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As of January 4, 2004, all drivers of property-carrying vehicles will be required to follow the revised hours of service regulations. The chart below is a breakdown of the changes and how they compare to the current hours of service regulations requirements:

  Old Requirement
(in place through 1/3/04)
New Requirement
(as of 1/4/04)

Off-Duty Time

8 consecutive hours.

10 consecutive hours.

Driving Time

10 hours.

11 hours.

On-Duty Time

15 hours (may be non-consecutive).

14 consecutive hours after coming on duty.

Cumulative On-Duty

60 hours / 7 days.
70 hours / 8 days.

60 hours / 7 days.
70 hours / 8 days.

Cumulative "Restart"


A driver may "restart" the 60 or 70 hour clock after having at least 34 consecutive hours off duty. (Use of "restart" is optional)

Short Haul Exception / Exemption


This exception may be used by drivers who regularly return to their normal work reporting location. It allows a driver to accumulate 11 hours of driving time within 16 consecutive hours on duty once every 7 days if certain conditions are met.

Sleeper Birth

May be split into two periods totaling at least 8 hours. Neither period may be less than 2 hours.

May be split into two periods totaling at least 10 hours. Neither period may be less than 2 hours.

100 Air Mile Radius

12 hours on duty.
10 hours driving time.
8 consecutive hours off duty.

12 hours on duty.
11 hours driving time.
10 consecutive hours off duty.

Source – “New Hours of Service Rule – Are You Ready” J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., 2003 Neenah, WI

If you should have any further questions regarding these changes, please do not hesitate to call Ara at (559) 276-8409.

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